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Stock Ocean is a place where we not only help you invest your money but we also help you achieve your goals marked within focused timelines. We help you place your investments based on your goals. We understand that each client is unique and has distinct requirements. Here at Stock Ocean we take care of all your needs with personalised services crafted to achieve your goals.

Our Services are packaged in a way to provide you maximum exposure to the market. We have a uniquely bundled the services where you have the option to decide different flavours of the market with playing in commodities, forex, NIFTY, Bank NIFTY, Equity, System Based “Over Night” Speculative Trades, Intraday/Positional/Delivery (Equity F&O), Option Trading, Index Trading and live market updates on your phone throughout the day.


12 Trading Strategies

  1. When in doubt, stay out
  2. Never Trade or Invest Based on Hope
  3. Act on your own judgement or else absolutely and entirely on the judgement of Another
  4. Don’t Overtrade
  5. Constantly analyse your mistake
  6. Don’t try to call every market turn
  7. Cut losses, let profit run
  8. Never enter into a position without first establishing a risk reward
  9. Dont fight the trend
  10. Never trade or invest more than you can reasonably afford to lose
  11. If you are going to place a stop, put it at a logical, not convenient, place
  12. Never meet a margin call


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Setting Up Your Personal Investment Objectives

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Setting Up Your Personal Investment Objectives

When we are uncertain about our goals, our minds become a bat- tlefield of conflicting desires. In this mental environment, the re- sult will be total paralysis that will make it impossible to achieve investment success. Therefore, it is necessary to develop specific objectives for our trading and investment activities. If correctly done, setting up investment objectives helps to transfer our ener- gies from the external forces where we often allocate blame to the real source of our problems, namely ourselves.

Adopting an Investment or Trading Philosophy

Establishing investment objectives helps to tell you where you want to go and how long it will take you to get there. Adopting a philosophy or approach to trading or investing is the vehicle that will enable you to reach that destination

Individuals Retain All Their Past Fears

Once you have had a bad experience in the market, you will always fear a similar recur- rence, whether consciously or subconsciously, or both. If you have made an investment that resulted in devastating losses, you will be much more nervous the next time you venture into the market. As a result, your judgment will be adversely affected by even the slightest, often imagined, hint of trouble. That intima- tion will encourage you to sell so that you can avoid the psycho- logical pain of losing yet again.

A Fearful Mass Psychology Is Contagious

Fear breeds more fear. The more people around us who are selling in response to bad news, the more believable the story becomes, and the more realis- tic the situation appears. As a result, it becomes very difficult to distance ourselves from the beliefs and fears of the crowd, so we also are motivated to sell. By contrast, if the same breaking news story received less prominence, we would not be drawn into this mass psychological trap and would be less likely to make the wrong decision

Investment Psychology

If you are intelligent the market will teach you caution and fortitude, sharpen your wits, and reduce your pride. If you are foolish and refuse to learn a lesson, it will ridicule you, laugh you to scorn, break you, and toss you on the rubbish-heap.

Rule Number 1: Trade with a plan and stick to it.

Rule Number 2: Trade with the trend. “The trend is your friend!”

Rule Number 3: Use stop loss orders whenever practical.

Rule Number 4: When in doubt, get out!

Rule Number 5: Be patient. Never overtrade.

Rule Number 6: Let your profits run; cut your losses short.

Rule Number 7: Never let a profit run into a loss. (Or always take a free position if you can.)

Rule Number 8: Buy weakness and sell strength. Be just as willing to sell as willing to sell as you are to buy.

Rule Number 9: Be an investor in the early stages of bull markets. Be a speculator in the latter stages of bull markets and in bear markets.

Rule Number 10: Never average a loss don’t add to a losing position.

Rule Number 11: Never buy just because the price is low. Never sell just because the price is high.

Rule Number 12: Trade only in liquid markets.

Rule Number 13: Never initiate a position in a fast market.

Rule Number 14: Don’t trade on the basis of “tips.” In other words, “trade with the trend, not your friend.” Also, no mat- ter how strongly you feel about a stock or other market, don’t offer unsolicited tips or advice.

Rule Number 15: Always analyze your mistakes.

Rule Number 16: Beware of “Takeunders.”

Rule Number 17: Never trade if your success depends on a good execution.

Rule Number 18: Always keep your own records of trades.

Rule Number 19: Know and follow the Rules!

How to Be Objective

There are no certainties in this investment world, and where there are no certainties, you should begin by understanding yourself.

There Is No Holy Grail

Nothing is more frequently overlooked than the obvious.

You probably came hoping that it would provide some easy answers in your quest to get rich quickly in the financial markets. If you did, you will be  disappointed. There is no such Holy Grail. On the other hand, we can certainly point you in the right direction if you are willing to recognize that hard work, common sense, patience, and discipline are valuable attributes to take with you on the road to smart investing.
There is no Holy Grail principally because market prices are determined by the attitude of investors and speculators to the changing economic and financial background. These attitudes tend to be consistent but occasionally are irrational, thereby defying even the most logical of analyses from time to time Garfield Drew, the noted market commentator and technician wrote in the 1940s, "Stocks do not sell for what they are worth but for what people think they are worth." How else can we ex plain that any market, stock, commodity, or currency can fluctu ate a great deal in terms of its underlying value from one day to the next? Market prices are essentially a reflection of the hopes, fears, and expectations of the various participants. History tells us that human nature is more or less constant, but it also tells us that each situation is unique.

What Makes a Great Trader or Investor?

He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be more powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.

Independent Thinking

A man must think for himself; must follow his own convictions. Self-trust is the foundation of successful effort.

Pride Goes Before a Loss

Pride of opinion has been responsible for the downfall of more men on Wall Street than any other factor.


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Tellus orci ac auctor augue mauris augue neque gravida in. Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus.


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Reviews on Google

"Ornare arcu odio ut sem. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis. Mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat sed cras ornare: Sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget."


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"Cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc? (In hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus) est pellentesque. Rhoncus dolor non enim praesent elementum facilisis leo vel. A lacus vestibulum sed. Diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet."


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Number of Complaints as on 11th February, 2025
No. of Complaints At the Beginning of Month Received During The Month
1 0 0
Pending at the end of the Month Reason for Pendency Total Complaint Resolved
0 - 1
Total Clients Served so far Total Complaint Received so far % of the complaints as per overall client base
100 1 1
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